OutDoor by ISPO: pause in 2025 and the impact on the global outdoor market

The OutDoor, the leading global outdoor market trade show, has announced a pause in its 2025 edition. The decision, made by the European Outdoor Group (EOG) and Messe München, the event organizer, was described as “bold and logical” in light of low exhibitor and visitor participation. The stated goal is to use 2025 as a restructuring period, aiming for a stronger comeback in 2026.

OutDoor ISPO Europe Trade Show

Photo: Messe München GmbH

This news marks yet another chapter in the transformation of the outdoor market, which has undergone significant changes in recent years. As a participant in the trade show since 2001, back in its Friedrichshafen days, I have closely followed the central role that OutDoor played in the industry. The event was the annual meeting point for brands, distributors, specialized media, and other industry players, where new product launches and trends for the coming year were presented.

Deuter Booth at the 2002 OutDoor Trade Show

Deuter Booth – OutDoor 2002

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The traditional industry cycle operated in a well-defined manner: in May, brands would present their products to international distributors, and in June or July, OutDoor would officially launch these products, giving retailers, distributors, and specialized media the first look at the innovations. From there, athletes and brand ambassadors would start using the new products, and finally, between January and February, the new items would arrive in stores, closing the cycle with the end consumer.

Deuter Booth at the 2014 OutDoor Trade Show

Deuter Booth – OutDoor 2014

The same process happened in Brazil and other countries, where trade shows like the Adventure Sports Fair aimed to introduce the new brand collections to the local market—in this case, the Brazilian market. Magazines, which unfortunately no longer exist, played a key role in spreading these product launches across the country.

This model started to weaken even before the COVID-19 pandemic, driven by the growth of direct-to-consumer (D2C) sales and the reduction of investments in specialized media, regional trade shows, and international events.

Adventure Sports Fair 2002 - São Paulo

Booths of Vaude, Kampa, and Deuter at the Adventure Sports Fair 2002 – São Paulo

The pandemic accelerated this process, forcing brands to launch products online and reducing participation costs in physical events. However, the long-term impact of this shift remains a topic of debate. While digital formats offer cost savings, they do not fully replace the networking and business opportunities provided by in-person events. The declining revenues of major brands in recent years raise the question: has abandoning the traditional cycle permanently harmed the market?

Deuter Booth at the 2018 Adventure Sports Fair

Deuter Booth at the 2018 Adventure Sports Fair – São Paulo

Deuter Booth at the 2018 Adventure Sports Fair

Deuter Booth at the 2018 Adventure Sports Fair – São Paulo

Launch of the 2019 Deuter Collection at the 2018 Adventure Sports Fair

Launch of the 2019 Deuter Collection at the 2018 Adventure Sports Fair – São Paulo

Another factor that, in my opinion, contributed to this transformation was the acquisition of companies originally founded by outdoor enthusiasts by large corporations focused on financial results. This shift changed the industry’s culture, reducing investments in environmental conservation projects, athletes, and authentic influencers who once played a vital role in promoting outdoor activities.

For example, we can mention CamelBak and Marmot, two American brands that have gone through several acquisitions over the years. Marmot was acquired in 2004 by K2 Sports, which was then purchased by Jarden Corporation in 2007. Later, in 2016, Jarden was merged into Newell Rubbermaid. Meanwhile, CamelBak’s first acquisition was in 1996 by the Kransco Group, followed by Bear Stearns Merchant Banking in 2004, Compass Diversified Holdings in 2010, and Vista Outdoor in 2015. In 2023, Vista Outdoor restructured its operations and created Revelyst, Inc., which now houses the iconic hydration brand, along with other cycling market brands like Bell and Giro.

Despite OutDoor’s pause in 2025, the sector will still have two significant opportunities for networking and knowledge exchange: the Sustainability Hub, organized by the EOG at ISPO Munich 2025, and the new Sustainability Conference, scheduled for the period originally allocated to OutDoor by ISPO. Additionally, the strategic partnership between EOG and Messe München aims to strengthen ISPO Munich as the primary global platform for the sports and outdoor industry.

The future of OutDoor will depend on the organizers’ ability to develop formats that provide real value to participants. The year 2025 will be crucial in reassessing the role of physical trade shows in an increasingly digitalized market. This pause should not be seen merely as a setback but rather as an opportunity to rethink the industry’s event model, balancing the efficiency of online interactions with the power of in-person connections.

The question remains: in 2026, will OutDoor manage to reclaim its role as the kickoff for the new season and the heart of the global outdoor market? The challenge has been set.

To learn more, read the press release on OutDoor’s 2025 pause: https://www.ispo.com/en/press/press-releases/eog-and-messe-munchen-decide-pause-outdoor-2025

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Pedro Lacaz Amaral

Praticante de atividades ao ar livre desde o final dos anos 80, Pedro sempre teve espírito aventureiro. Cursou Engenharia Química e Administração e fez especialização em Marketing e Business Intelligence, o que aumentou ainda mais sua veia empreendedora. Junto com Kiko Araújo, trouxe para o Brasil em 2001 uma das principais marcas de mochilas do mundo, a Deuter. Durante quase 25 anos, fez a gestão de algumas das principais marcas de equipamentos, dentre elas Azteq, CamelBak, Deuter e Sea to Summit. Atualmente é advisor internacional da Deuter. Já treinou presencialmente mais de 14.000 pessoas sobre Equipamentos para Camping, Hiking, Trekking e Trail Running, idealizou os Congressos Online de Trekking e Trail Running e já postou mais de 500 vídeos no canal Gear Tips no YouTube. Seu objetivo é preparar o maior número de pessoas para que possam ter experiências transformadoras na natureza.

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